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Has anyone got a brother/sister they hate?

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  • Has anyone got a brother/sister they hate?

    What can you do about family that are scum? I am really lucky in the fact that I have great family, from my folks to aunts/uncles etc, a brother who is a top lad, and a mrs who is great.

    But... My little brother (who is 24), is just total scum. He steaks from the family, damages stuff, uses stuff without permission & often smokes weed, and takes other drugs. He has no concience whatsoever, and often drinks & drives etc. Now being family, I gave never considered going to the police, but whatever you do to try & get along, he just throws it back in your face... Where do you draw the line between trying to help and encourage him to be a better person & making him face the consequences of his actions?

    The amount of my belongings he has ruined must run into thousands of pounds, most recently crashing his motorbike in my leathers ...

    I have just left the RAF hence why I am stuck back with the folks, but I'm getting to the point now where I just fucking hate him ... I know it sounds wet & people will say kick his head in etc etc, but it will no doubt end me up in trouble, where he has nothing to loose.

  • #2
    Will i have a big bro and 2 sisters,me and my bro used to fight everyday and not just a slap here or there proper seriously kick the shit out of each other....

    But now we get along good (we dont drink together as that's matches to petrol....) We tried to get along and has been going well for nearly a year (hope it stays that way) BUT one thing i would say my bro would never let something happen to me has always been my 'big bro" looking over my shoulders

    As for your bro thats just bang out of order i dont really know what to say except the usual "give him a slap around" or try to have a speak together and try and get it into his head thats just not on!!!
    Last edited by Craig H; 09-07-2011, 02:36:03.


    • #3
      My brother is the same for years we fell out and then made up a few days later,but about 3 years ago we had a big fall out and I haven't spoke to him since. He took a lot of drugs when he was young which have fucked his head up. Just remember you can choose your friends but not your family.
      Thanks Mark.

      NORRISMOTORSPORT 01773836274


      • #4
        I disagree. I've got a younger brother and we've had are arguments as per, but if he ever got out of line I'd kick his arse big style! (Although him being ex 59 Commando, I don't think i'd win!! )

        Take your brother to one side and away from people, somewhere nice and quiet, then show him the "ways of the World"

        Family can only get away with so much!!

        My elder sister is a dream...................she'd kick my arse if I ever did summit bad!!!

        All my own opinion, of course!



        • #5
          My brother was a spoilt little cunt, stole bits off my car, damaged it, etc. Belittled me and my Mum, took the piss at every chance, had police round our house all the time to keep an eye on him, working on cars till past 12am with 3+ mates once or twice a week, borrowed countless money off my Mum and hardly any paid back, got a bike on finance in my Dad's name, that was stolen as he left it at home for me to use and never paid the finance.

          I could be here all day telling you things he has done, but he moved out a year or so ago (His choice, but told all his mates my Mum kicked him out) and now lives with a mates parents in their million pound house. His got a new bike, money when ever he needs it, etc and he seems happy there

          We get on now, but I still don't trust him. His stopped belittling us, but we havent pissed him off recently.

          Sounds like your brother needs to be pushed out and learn to live on his own 2 feet.

          FletchCossie Sponsors Motoring On Dave


          • #6
            unfortunately i treat family like friends.if they fuck me off i cut them out! i have no issue with it.i wont talk to them even if im in the same for drink driving thing.i would report him! that one thing i cant stand. if he hits someone while pissed the person and family have a world of shit and heartache to live with just because he couldnt get a taxi or lift. and its nothing to do with them at all,just wrong place wrong time

            guns for show,knives for a pro


            • #7
              well me and the little bro used to get on very well years ago but now we just can not get on... he thinks he's right the whole time he's 10years younger then me.. days i feel like flooring him really pisses me off, i just don't listen to him now he needs to grow up big time, thats my rant over


              • #8
                lol hughy andy will be reading this an going out an kicking your ass!!lol


                • #9
                  I've got a little brother and much like Neil, i just stop talking to him when he pisses me off. On occasion i've ignored my folks for ages because of family issues. I usually find i have a much quieter and easier life when i dont talk to them. On the drink drive issue, i'd shop him straight away. Imagine how you'd feel if he killed a wee one while pissed behind the wheel and you could have done something about it.


                  • #10
                    my twin brother used to be a cunt when he was little. Stoved his head in when he was 17 and he behaved towards me since. he got him thrown out the house, failed uni, went bankrupt etc before he finally "got it" and has learned and grown up and now hes relatively well adjusted.

                    Ive lived with people who are scum before and just like my brother you have to hurt them.

                    its a fact that some will NEVER have a concience or give a shit because they are that mentally retarded. You cant make them decent people.


                    You ALWAYS can make them comply with basic rules.

                    you just have to make his life so difficult/painful that its easier to comply or fuck off rather than misbehave. Usually the CHAV scum lot will fuck off and go elsewhere then whinge to thier mates about being picked on for "doing nuffink wrong bruv".

                    however spoilt, immature or selfish people can be forced to comply.

                    what does your brother love or like doing?? get him where it hurts. destroy his favourite possesson, hobby etc, sabotage is relationship etc etc.

                    get him where it will hurt him. then when he whinges say "see how you like it now" and "now you know your actions have consequences" etc

                    general arsehole tricks like cress his room, floor bomb his room, throw away his food, burn his weed stash in the back yard etc etc etc.

                    99% of selfish people/scum cunts just arent that clever so youll likely remain one step ahead if he tries tit for tat.

                    all else fails, good old dose of fucking violence.

                    you HAVE to hurt him one way or the other for him to understand even if he only understands in simple terms that do x = y level of pain therefore dont do x.

                    Medically Discharged!! Officially insane!!!
                    My toy!! Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4


                    • #11
                      I never got along with my bro and once my mum died I haven't seen him since, he has moved and so I don't even know where he lives, which is no loss I can quite happily live without him.


                      • #12
                        fook me wazza's got a twin 1 plus another equals double


                        • #13
                          Some sad family stories here guys hate these threads, gets you down but you can't help but read them.

                          I only have one older brother, he's a joiner. Hated him when I lived at home, but not with a true passion. But then he got with this girl and she got pregnant within like 3 months.......he insisted it was planned and that it was time blah blah blah bullshit like that. Needless to say, my mother's intuition was bro was used for a kid.

                          So I'm glad he's wised up a little since, still a bloody idiot though. Yet, he doesn't have a Cossie so can't be that much of a spanner
                          Focus Cosworth Project
                          Focus RS Toy
                          Bought and made BETTER


                          • #14
                            Will, saw your facebook post. guessed something had gone on as you seemed pissed off. At the end of the day, only so much you can put up with, family or not.

                            Fletch, with absolute respect, your brother sounds a right cunt.


                            • #15
                              Ive got no brothers or sisters

